About us
Family-run since 1986
Tal-Kno is a distributor of hollow metal doors, hollow metal frames, wood doors, wood frames, FRP Doors, hardware and toilet accessories.
We focus on commercial construction and not residential construction. At our office/warehouse we have a full shop where we are able to fabricate or modify material, if necessary. A lot of other distributors only have a storefront and are unable to provide modification as a service. We are also offering fire door inspections and staff a certified fire door inspector.
Health Care
Industrial & Manufacturing
Distribution & Logistics
Government & Municipality
Commercial Construction
Tal-Kno is a family run business that has been in business for over 35 years. The company was opened in 1986 by Doug Knowles and Gerald Tallent. They began from a two-man crew and over the years built a solid respectable business that they could be proud of. We have been able to persistently run successfully while also continually building solid relationships with our customers because of our focus and determination to provide quality products.

Michael Knowles
, President
He is the son of Doug Knowles, one of the founders of Tal-Kno Building Products, Inc. He has been in the business for over thirty years and has worked in every position of the company. He holds a wealth of expertise when it comes to doors, frames and hardware and is vital to the continued success of Tal-Kno.
Jeff Tallent
, VP of Production
He is the nephew of Gerrald Tallent, one of the founders of Tal-Kno Building Products, Inc. He has also been in the business for over thirty years and holds a wealth of knowledge about doors, frames and hardware. His knowledge of the inner workings of how doors, frames and hardware function cohesively is integral in Tal-Kno continuing to prosper.
Bryan Phillips
, VP of Sales
He has been in the industry for over twenty years and has a vast wealth of knowledge when it comes to doors, frames and hardware in the commercial construction industry.
Jennifer Free
She has been in the industry for over twenty years and continues to help Tal-Kno make smart and effective financial moves for the business. She oversees and helps contribute to the financial decisions required to continue to make Tal-Kno successful.
Theresa Kunz
, Operations Manager
She has been in the industry for over fourteen years and is responsible for executing and maintaining all aspects of the company. She continues to strive to help make Tal-Kno an excellent place to work while also ensuring that all customers have an exceptional experience each time they contact someone on the team.